American Express Unstaged
Taylor Swift Experience

Evan Schectman 
CTO, Executive Producer, Creative Director, Technical Director for RadicalMedia  

An Emmy Award® winning Interactive Narrative, gaming and music experience for Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space” 

The Brief

Provide Taylor Swift fans a first of its kind experience to support the 1989 album release and its first Single, Blank Space.

The Approach

Create a unique app that lets Taylor Swift fans step into the vivid story land of Blank Space. Create a low barrier of entry for participation, along with meaningful replay-ablilty through discovery and light gamification.

The Results

An Emmy Award® Winning interactive App experience for Mobile Handsets and Tablets that let fans stand next to Taylor inside the worlds of Blank Space, and explore the world with unparalleled freedom in with interactive 360º video.


American Express Pivot


Sprint Sound Sessions